Everything You Need to Know About Diabetes

3. Dry mouth​

A dry mouth is a common symptom of diabetes and can be caused by low blood sugar, dehydration, or medications. It can also be triggered by smoking.

If your dry mouth happens to occur while you’re on a medication that prevents blood glucose levels from getting too high (anti-diabetic drugs), then it could indicate that your body isn’t able to keep up with the production of saliva in the first place—and this may lead to other problems like tooth decay or gum disease due to lack of saliva that helps neutralize food particles before they get lodged between teeth and gums. In some cases where dry mouth occurs without any other symptoms at all (such as fatigue), it’s important to talk with your doctor about whether there’s anything else going on besides diabetes itself causing these issues; otherwise, there may not be anything wrong with your body after all!

4. Blurred vision​

Blurred vision is a common symptom of diabetes and can be caused by high blood sugar levels, high blood pressure, or damage to the blood vessels in your eyes.

Blurred vision is often associated with low levels of glucose (sugar) in the body. This may be because an enzyme called hexokinase is not working properly; it converts glucose into another form that can’t be used by cells as energy. When this happens over time and you have high levels of glucose in your body for extended periods—for example, if you’ve recently been drinking sugary drinks like soda or sports drinks—it can cause blurred vision due to poor circulation throughout all parts of your body including those located inside each eye!

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Jacqueline Camron
Jacqueline Camron

Hi Everyone, I am Jacqueline Camron. I believe that everyone can live with dogs in a good way, So if want to know more? You are welcome to join us!

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